
Information for Local Authorities

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Food and green waste collections update 2013-14

Food and green waste collections update 2013-14

Recent figures form WRAP show a mixed picture for the collection of food waste and green waste, with England lagging behind the devolved nations.
ORG releases a new version of its input specification template for LA collected garden and co-mingled garden/food wastes

ORG releases a new version of its input specification template for LA collected garden and co-mingled garden/food wastes

The Organics Recycling Group of REA has released today a revised version of its input specification schedule template that enables composters and their suppliers to define a standard for the quality and types of input materials delivered to their composting sites.
The ORG releases its 'feedstock quality package’ to strive for the quality of biowaste delivered to composting

The ORG releases its 'feedstock quality package’ to strive for the quality of biowaste delivered to composting

The Organics Recycling Group (ORG) of REA is pleased to announce the release of its 'feedstock quality package' aimed at improving the quality of feedstocks collected and delivered to composting sites.

European Commission confirmed commingled collections allowed under the revised Waste Framework Directive

In long-awaited guidance published on Thursday (June 21) which will inform how the legislation is implemented in the UK, the Commission said that commingled collections can count towards the Directive's requirement for member states to introduce separate collections of paper, metals, glass and plastics by 2015 provided they generate similar quality.

AfOR Special Interest Group on quality of biowaste collections

This article is about AfOR Special Interest Group aimed at improving the quality of the biowastes collected and delivered to composting and AD sites.
Removing card from biowaste collections: HOUSEHOLDER leaflet, poster and bin stickers now available

Removing card from biowaste collections: HOUSEHOLDER leaflet, poster and bin stickers now available

AfOR has been working with WRAP to develop a ‘change of service' leaflet that LAs can use to explain to local residents that cardboard is no longer collected with the biowaste. Poster and bin stickers are also available to LAs to use as templates.

AfOR’s message to Local Authorities regarding paper and cardboard

In response to AfOR's and the industry's concerns over the composting of paper and cardboard, some Local Authorities have taken the decision to remove all types of paper and cardboard wastes from the biowaste collection. AfOR highlights the importance of providing accurate information to the householders when communicating the reasons for this change.

AfOR ‘call to action’ on the quality of biowaste collections

A call for LAs to find ways and take actions to reduce the levels of contaminants in biowastes

AfOR ‘call to action’ on biowaste collections comingled with paper and cardboard

AfOR's call to action for Local Authorities that collect biowaste with paper and cardboard
Sefton Council and TEG Environmental case study

Sefton Council and TEG Environmental case study

When high levels of contamination threatened the integrity of a food waste collection scheme for Sefton Council, composting specialists TEG Environmental facilitated the problem solving process. By sharing their expertise and encouraging cross communication between all parties involved, the core issue of cross contamination was solved and several other beneficial practices were identified to assist the collection process.

Guidance for LAs on composting paper & cardboard

AfOR has released a guidance document for local authorities focused on composting paper and cardboard. The guidance highlights that, wherever possible, paper and cardboard should be collected separately from green waste and food waste and should not be sent to composting.

AfOR offers membership service to tackle contamination

AfOR has launched a service for members to act as a facilitator between the LAs and their contracted AD and composting operators
Feedstock contamination map

Feedstock contamination map

The feedstock contamination map shows the key points along the waste supply chain where feedstock contamination mainly occurs and, thus, where preventive actions to reduce contamination levels should be focused.
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Jul 27
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