
Health and Safety

The ORG sector group within the REA has a wealth of Health and Safety information which we have specifically obtained from an array of external sources. Key issues are covered in detail with other helpful documents accessible e.g. Matrix of H&S requirements for on farm/small operators. The information is kept up to date as a requirement of ORG being part of the UK's WISH forum (Waste Industry Safety and Health forum).

Health & Safety enquires and any requests for further H&S initiatives should be directed to Gordon Thompson at the REA ( tel 07584 253 733).

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WISH guidance on monitoring in collection activities

WISH guidance on monitoring in collection activities

WISH have published a new information sheet on monitoring safety in waste collections.
WISH guidance on reducing fire risk at waste management sites

WISH guidance on reducing fire risk at waste management sites

Organics Recycling H&S figure trends for 2012-2016

Organics Recycling H&S figure trends for 2012-2016

The ORG has collated results from members regarding their H&S incidents to see what trends are developing within the sector.
Deadly Slumber

Deadly Slumber

This article from Safety & Health Practitioner (November 2015) addresses the problem of rough sleepers sheltering in waste containers 11 people have been killed over the past year when containers they were sheltering in were tipped into waste collection vehicles.

Quarter 3 - Health and Safety Survey

It is time to ask you to complete our quarterly health and safety survey for quarter three of 2015.
ORG Health and Safety day hailed as 'best yet' by delegates

ORG Health and Safety day hailed as 'best yet' by delegates

The ORG held its sixth H&S conference and exhibition at the Chesford Grange hotel in Kenilworth. Over 100 delegates attended the event and listened to a broad range of speakers covering topical subjects for the organics recycling sector.
Organics Recycling Group H&S Survey Quarter 1; 2015

Organics Recycling Group H&S Survey Quarter 1; 2015

This survey contains results provided by our members for the first quarter of 2015.
Advice for working in a heat wave

Advice for working in a heat wave

Given the current weather, here are some useful documents that give advice on working in a heat wave.
The effect of wearer stubble on the protection given by Filtering Face Masks

The effect of wearer stubble on the protection given by Filtering Face Masks

We are continuous urging staff at compost sites to wear appropriate respiratory protection to prevent the inhalation of bio-aerosols. Face masks can only provide optimum protection if they are properly fitted. This report from the HSE outlines the adverse effects of beard stubble on the fitting and sealing of face masks.
Safety signs and signals

Safety signs and signals

Safety signs and signals are required where, despite putting in place all other relevant measures, a significant risk to the health and safety of employees and others remains. This guidance published by the HSE is for employers, duty holders and others who have responsibility for the control of workplaces, sites and premises. It is also for those operating equipment that requires verbal and/or non-verbal communications.

Research reveals scale of skin cancer among outdoor workers

The number of people in the UK diagnosed with or dying from the deadliest form of skin cancer because of sun exposure at work is revealed in the findings of a new study published today.
Health and Safety Survey: Call for responses

Health and Safety Survey: Call for responses

We are calling for members to complete our survey on accidents and incidents to help us build a picture of the issues which are impacting the sector the most.
ORG Health & Safety Survey Quarter 4 2014

ORG Health & Safety Survey Quarter 4 2014

Results from our latest health & safety survey of the organic waste industry covering the last quarter of 2015.
Ireland Health and Safety Authority - Compost Information Sheet

Ireland Health and Safety Authority - Compost Information Sheet

The Health and Safety Authority in Ireland, in conjunction with Cre, have published an information sheet on Compost detailing potential hazards, recommended control measures and health advice.
Call for volunteers for bioaerosols study

Call for volunteers for bioaerosols study

REA compost members are invited to take part in research to better understand exposure of workers to bioaerosols on site.
Vehicle Cab Filtration.

Vehicle Cab Filtration.

This article provides guidance on vehicle cab filtration to prevent exposure to potentially harmful bio-aerosols and other respiratory hazards.

REA Biogas publish latest issue of their Biogas Report

REA Biogas have published their latest report which has lots of information and details on everything relating to AD and Biogas
09/01/15 Reducing secondary containment failures

09/01/15 Reducing secondary containment failures

One of the root causes of containment failure incidents occurred within the AD sector over the past years is the lack or poor standard of secondary containment. Several members of the REA as well as the EA have raised concerns that there is currently little clarity or transparency on what is required in terms of containment and bunding at AD sites.
09/01/15 Improving Technical Competence

09/01/15 Improving Technical Competence

The AD sector has concerns that for this rapidly expanding sector that there is a shortage of technical and operational competence. A group of stakeholders have recently started to work on identifying the core minimum training required to operate an AD (of any size) and develop a draft syllabus.
Waste Industry Safety & Health (WISH) - A practical pocket guide for the Waste industry

Waste Industry Safety & Health (WISH) - A practical pocket guide for the Waste industry

WISH have recently published pocket guide for the Waste Industry. This is aimed at Waste SME businesses to help identify their minimum legal requirements for a healthier and safer workplace.
Revised ACoP for Safe Work in Confined Spaces.

Revised ACoP for Safe Work in Confined Spaces.

This link gives access to the revised ACOP published by the HSE for safe work in confined spaces.
Revised ACoP for Safe Use of Lifting Equipment.

Revised ACoP for Safe Use of Lifting Equipment.

Revised ACoP for Safe Use of Lifting Equipment.

Revised ACoP for Safety of Pressure Systems.

Revised ACoP for Safety of Pressure Systems.

Revised ACoP for Safety of Pressure Systems.

EA concern for health and safety of staff on AD sites

EA concern for health and safety of staff on AD sites

The REA has recently been notified by the Environment Agency that they are assessing AD permit applications with greater rigour and scrutiny than has been the case in the past in light of the number of containment failures that have occurred at AD facilities.
ORG Health and Safety Group

ORG Health and Safety Group

The ORG H&S working Group was founded in 2010. The ORG are founding members of the Waste Industry Safety and Health Group and promote safe working practices within the organics recycling arena.
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