
Technical Information

This section includes detailed information on the subjects relevant to both the organics sector and wider waste management industry. Updated with all the latest technical information including consultations and government body info, in this area we aim to assist you in understanding a particular topic and any requirements surrounding it.
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Organics Recycling Magazine Summer 2019

Organics Recycling Magazine Summer 2019

The Summer 2019 edition of our magazine

Survey results on feedstock, compost and digestate quality

The Quality Action Plan have published the results of two surveys: one on the quality of feedstocks to anaerobic digestion and composting facilities; and the other on the quality of compost and digestate products.
Organics Recycling Magazine Spring 2019

Organics Recycling Magazine Spring 2019

The Spring 2019 edition of our magazine

EU Fertiliser Regulation - January 2018

The trilogue agreement on the EU Fertilisers Regulation was approved by Member States’ representatives in Council on 12th December. It now goes to formal validation by the European Parliament and Council, before publication.
Organics Recycling Magazine Winter 2018

Organics Recycling Magazine Winter 2018

The Winter 2018 edition of our magazine
REA response to EA consultation on assessing and scoring permit compliance

REA response to EA consultation on assessing and scoring permit compliance

The REA has responded to the recent EA consultation on assessing and scoring permit compliance. Scores awarded to sites have a direct impact on the annual subsistence charge given to operational sites.
Consultation on assessing and scoring permit compliance

Consultation on assessing and scoring permit compliance

The EA has launched a consultation on some changes to the way they assess and score permit compliance.

These changes will form part of an ongoing, five-year, strategic programme known as Performance Based Regulation. They are committed to streamlining and simplifying how they assess permit compliance, with a view to making it more consistent and proportionate to the level of risk or impact.
Organics Recycling Magazine Autumn 2018

Organics Recycling Magazine Autumn 2018

The Autumn 2018 edition of our magazine

BAT conclusions published - August 2018

The BAT conclusions from the revised Waste Treatment BREF have now been published. We have prepared a summary for members.
Organics Recycling Magazine Summer 2018

Organics Recycling Magazine Summer 2018

The Summer 2018 edition of our magazine.

Waste Treatment BREF - April 2018 Update

The revised version of the Waste Treatment BREF has received a positive opinion in the final vote at the Article 75 forum and has been submitted for adoption by the Commission.
EU Fertilisers Regulation: up coming meeting

EU Fertilisers Regulation: up coming meeting

A meeting will take place in Brussels on 11th April 2018 to address some outstanding issues relevant to revision of the EU Fertilisers Regulation.
Waste Crime Consultation submission from the REA

Waste Crime Consultation submission from the REA

Using feedback from members, the REA has submitted its response to the Consultation on Waste Crime and Exemptions. The REA seeks a sector that is proportionately regulated and that does not favour those that seek to work outside of the law.
Organics Recycling Spring 2018

Organics Recycling Spring 2018

The Spring 2018 edition of our magazine

REA submission to House of Commons EAC on the 25 yr Environment Plan

The ORG has submitted its response to the Environment Audit Committee in respect to the 25 Year Environment Plan

About the FWRAP

The Food Waste Recycling Action Plan aims to improve the capture, supply and quality of household and commercial food waste.
Organics Recycling Winter 2017

Organics Recycling Winter 2017

The Winter 2017 edition of our magazine

Fertiliser Regulation - November 2017 update

Latest update on progress with the EU Fertiliser Regulation.
FWRAP Bulletin 1st edition

FWRAP Bulletin 1st edition

The new bulletin from the Food Waste Recycling Plan is now live. Find out about progress in the first year, the latest tools and industry guidance, as well as opportunities to get involved and help improve recycling rates across the sector.

FWRAP Steering Group Annual Report presented

The Food Waste Recycling Action Plan has released its annual report from the cross-industry steering group. The REA is one of the industry representatives that sit on this Steering Group to provide support and initiatives to promote this work to their members and further afield.

Waste Treatment BREF - October 2017 Update

The Bureau has released the final draft of the BREF.

Fertiliser Regulation - October 2017 update

The European Compost Network along with other organisations have published a joint statement on the EU Fertiliser Regulation.
SEPA Integrated Authorisation Framework Consultation

SEPA Integrated Authorisation Framework Consultation

Follow up consultation on the regulations and supporting guidance that will enable an Integrated Authorisation Framework approach. Closes 23rd November 2017.
SEPA consultation on Compliance Assessment and Charging Schemes

SEPA consultation on Compliance Assessment and Charging Schemes

Two SEPA consultations, one on the new compliance assessment scheme and one on the proposed new charging scheme. Deadline for comments: 3rd November 2017.
Organics Recycling Summer 2017

Organics Recycling Summer 2017

The Summer 2017 edition of the Organics Recycling Magazine.
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