
Survey on biological treatments to inform the Waste Treatment BREF review
This SURVEY should take about 10 minutes to complete. We would be extremely grateful if you can complete it by 1 pm on Friday 31st January. Please note that completion of the survey requires some technical knowledge on emission monitoring at your facility/ies.
Why are we asking for your input?
This survey is aimed at obtaining feedback from operators in addition to that obtained from the preliminary biofilter survey sent out before Christmas. This survey has been designed by European Compost Network, the REA’s ORG and ESA to inform the review of the WT BREF, which is the European document setting out Best Available Techniques (BATs) and emission limits for waste treatment installations.
Once adopted, the BREF will serve as the reference for permit authorities (i.e. the regulator) within the procedure of issuing permits to installations covered by the Industrial Emissions Directive and it will be used by waste treatment operators to prepare applications for permits. The industry will have to follow the BATs and comply with the emission levels specified in the document (or to provide robust evidence to justify alternatives).
How will this info be used?
The information collated will be provided to European Compost Network in an anonymised format and will be used to inform the development of the final questionnaire that will be sent out by the JRC later this year to collate facilities’ performance and emissions data.
We cannot stress enough how crucial is that UK composting, MBT and AD operators engage in this process and provide any available data. Other Member States will also provide data on their facilities’ performances, so if the UK biological treatment operators disengage in this process, they will become more heavily burdened with regulation in the future and will have to comply with emission or performance levels that may be either too stringent, unachievable or very costly to meet.
You only need to complete the survey if your biological treatment facilities are caught by the Industrial Emission Directive regime (i.e. capacity greater that 75 tonnes per day). Please note that the survey should be filled in for each individual facility you operate, including composting, AD and MBT facilities both under construction and fully operational.
Finally, we would be grateful if you can forward this email to the relevant personnel within your company.
Last update: 17/01/2014
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